Packing Your Hospital Bag.
We are a Howard County nursery and preschool, but I’m also a doula! My best advice for preparing for your hospital stay is to pack light! You may be tempted to prepare a months worth of clothing and self care items for both you and your newborn, but resist this urge and thank me later.
In order to avoid last minute scrambling, 34 weeks is a great time to pack your hospital bag. If your birthing location provides a list, they are likely to keep it short and sweet so we will provide you with some insider tips that may make your stay a bit more enjoyable.
The list from your hospital is likely to look something like this
Toiletries such as shampoo, deodorant, comb, brush
ID and insurance card
Clothes for mom- your temperature is likely to shift throughout your stay so pack clothing that you can easily layer as needed
Breastfeeding bra (if desired)
If breastfeeding: Lanolin nipple cream
Large underwear (they have disposable mesh panties, if needed). Time to bring on those Granny Panties !
Baby clothing including undershirt, hat, blanket (weather appropriate; for taking pictures or when leaving for home)
INFANT, not toddler, approved car seat installed in car
Bonus Items
Snacks for both you and your partner. You probably won't be allowed to eat during labor, but they will be a godsend for the remainder of your stay
Electronics to entertain you and your partner
Camera to capture the special moments
DON'T FORGET YOUR CHARGERS... long cords come in handy
Relaxation tools (birth ball, rice sock, massager, stress ball, or massage oil)
Flip flops for the showers
Slippers or heavy socks