Play-Based Daycare in Howard County, Maryland

When it comes to daycare options for young children, play-based programs have gained increasing recognition for their ability to foster healthy development. Play based preschool revolves around the idea that play is the child’s natural way of learning. At Your Journey Preschool, we offer structured classes as well as free play and play based learning. 

In a play-based daycare, children engage in a variety of activities designed to spark creativity, develop social skills, and promote emotional well-being. Through unstructured play, children learn problem-solving, cooperation, and how to navigate emotions. 

Play based learning emphasizes the importance of active, hands-on learning experiences that can be far more effective than formal instruction at a young age.

It helps boost cognitive development, social skills and emotional growth. 

Teachers are more than just supervisors; they are facilitators. Educators gently guide children’s interactions, posing questions, offering new materials, or suggesting activities that promote deeper thinking. 

This type of preschool creates a nurturing environment that allows children to explore their environment on their own and learn through mistakes. To learn about our curriculum and see an idea of our schedules as well as when we incorporate play into the day, contact us to schedule a tour.


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